What is the socio-medical profile of the typical resident?
This activity requires you to arrange a visit to a nursing home in your community and interview management, personal care staff, and nursing staff. Your objective is to learn as much as you can about the services provided to the residents, problems experienced by the staff in meeting their needs, and the recommendations of management for improvements to the program. The elderly belong to the group of citizens in our society that is at the heart of the debate we are examining. You should have the opportunity to learn first hand about them, their needs, and the aspirations of those charged with their care. (If a nursing home is not available in your area, you may choose another facility as long as either the facility or the section of the facility you visit deals exclusively with the elderly. In the rare case that no facility is available, students may research this issue in ProQuest and on the Internet to prepare a paper that addresses care of the elderly.)
This activity is comprised of three parts. (100 points) (A 5-page response is required for the combination of Parts A, B, and C and must include references in APA format.)
Part A T