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Standards of Care for FTM and MTF – Geek Term Papers

Standards of Care for FTM and MTF

Standards of Care for FTM and MTF

1- Reflective Journal Entry Assignment#1

Standards of Care Reflection Journal Assignment

Watch all of the YouTube videos linked below. Immediately after watching the last video, click the Standards of Care Reflection Journal link and write a short response that describes your overall reaction to this topic. Discuss your feelings and use specific examples from the videos to explain why you reacted as you did.

Please follow the instructions

1-Standards of Care for Female to Male, Male to Female & Health Care Perspectives.

2-Read a combination of research articles, YouTube videos and websites.

Standards of Care for FTM and MTF

MTF/FTM Perspectives on Diseases seen in this particular community – explore the disease problems that come up with this particular group of individuals, including mental health issues.

Some people who identify as transgender choose to go through a process of “transitioning” from the gender they were assigned at birth to the gender that is consistent with their identity. The process of transitioning takes on many aspects of life, from social, emotional, and physical. When it comes to physically transitioning (specifically, in terms of surgery and/or hormones), there are many options for transgender people. The transgender experience lies on a spectrum, and many transgender individuals can pick and choose from a variety of options to reflect a gender expression accurate for them. Some transgender people decide to take hormones but don’t do surgery, while others do surgery but not hormones. Some do both. Some do neither.

Regardless of a transgender individual’s gender identity (FtM, MtF, genderqueer, etc.), the decision whether to physically transition lies with the individual.

For transgender individuals who choose to transition, the process is often exciting, stressful, and scary all at once. There are many physical, emotional, social, and legal challenges that transitioning persons must face

Mental health counseling:

Counseling is often recommended for individuals who are thinking about transitioning. You can learn more about counseling recommendations developed by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) .

What Do I have To Do In This Module?

First, watch all of the YouTube videos linked below. Immediately after watching the last video, click the Standards of Care Reflection Journal link and write a short response that describes your overall reaction to this topic. Discuss your feelings and use specific examples from the videos to explain why you reacted as you did.

Next, scan through the websites listed in the links below. While you are viewing the websites look for information regarding the psychosocial, emotional and physiological implications that transitioning persons must face. Finally, explain these implications in a 250-word essay. Use the Standards of Care Short Essay link to submit your work. (You might want to write this first in MS Word and then paste your words into the submission box.) Be specific and concise,using examples to explain the information. Cite your source(s) using APA style. If you are unfamilar with APA style, please use this link.


1-Assignment: Page#1

Standards of Care Reflection Journal Assignment

Watch all of the YouTube videos linked below. Immediately after watching the last video, click the Standards of Care Reflection Journal link and write a short response that describes your overall reaction to this topic. Discuss your feelings and use specific examples from the videos to explain why you reacted as you did.


Transgender Health YouTube Videos:

1-FTM Transition 22. Harry Benjamin Standards of Care.

(( Please watch this video and take detailed notes)).

2-The story of David Reimer (Born a boy,brought up as a girl) PT. 1

((True story regarding a boy who was raised and why).

3-Transgender Healthcare/Coverage Experiences.

4-Transgender Healthcare Discrimination

5-Jennifer McCreath – 03/31/2010 – Transsexual Health Discrimination Lecture (1 of 4)