Project planning document, Ghana ‘health education’

Project planning document, Ghana ‘health education’

You are to place yourself in a position of Charity involved with using sport for humanitarian and development purposes, such as United Through Sport (
You have been asked to select an African country with a refugee and large asylum population in order to set up a preliminary one to two week sport programme, which will hopefully act as a foundation for a longer term sport development type programme.

the programme should have a focus on health education as the key theme.
For your selected country and theme, produce a sport project development plan.
The plan should include the following key elements:
• An exploration of the issue and rationale;
• a brief country profile;
• be properly risked assessed (both country and operationally with the form used clearly cited in terms of where the design has come from);
• provide some indicators of performance;
• be properly costed out outlining key resources needed (such as volunteers) to implement the project.

include table of what will the two week programme include.
For your selected country and theme, produce a sport project development plan.
The plan should include the following key elements:
• An exploration of the issue and rationale;
• a brief country profile;
• be properly risked assessed (both country and operationally with the form used clearly cited in terms of where the design has come from);
• provide some indicators of performance;
• be properly costed out outlining key resources needed (such as volunteers) to implement the project.

Marking Criteria
The assignment will be based on the following key marking criteria:
• Application of key theories/concepts.
• Evidence of innovation, originality and creativity in the plans produced.
• Relevancy, sustainability and practicality of the proposed plan.
• Quality of data and literature collected to support and underpin arguments.
• Logically structured, referenced and professional presentation.

FAQ’s for Sprt3028 – Assignment 2
1. In the rationale and throughout the report for the project in an African country can I use the word I or not?
No, you should not use a personalised approach within academic work unless it is a reflective piece of work which this is not.
2. Do we need to conduct two risk assessments? And what kind of risks should we be including in the plan?
There may only be one form – what needs to be considered are any risks to the project before travel (e.g. natural disasters, wars etc.) which can mean that travel is prevented in the first instance. For example there may be a risk of flooding at certain times of the year, so this may influence when projects run.
A more detailed risk assessment would then focus on the operational risks in the field, such as the risks of disease, kidnapping, muggings, and other cheery stuff like that, which staff/volunteers may be exposed to.
3. The assignment says select an African country with a refugee and large asylum population, does this mean that the asylum population has to be bigger than the refugee population?

No the asylum population does not have to be bigger than that of refugees. The country just has to have both within it.

4. I am working through my second assignment and have noticed, along with queries from fellow students, that the Module Outline states that the word count includes appendices?

The word count does include the appendices. I appreciate that this is different from other assignments, but it reflects the specifics of this particular assignment. The reason for the inclusion of the appendices is that so much information can be presented in tables and bullet points, that if it wasn’t included, it would potentially make the work unwieldy. The tables often start of quite wordy, but there is usually scope to edit them down.

5. What should be included in the introduction for the assignment?

This should provide an initial introduction to the country and focus area, and some theory on the reasoning for running a 1-2 week project sport based development project within a refugee or asylum seekers camp. Also, maybe identifying a charity that the project could be being delivered by, as you’ve been asked to place yourself in their position.