How will understanding and using qualitative research findings make a difference in your practice of nursing?
Analysis of Qualitative Nursing Research Study;
Analysis of Qualitative Nursing Research Study;Description and Directions:
1. Please use the Qualitative Critique Completion Form (Word file) to complete your critique
of qualitative research.
2. Enter your responses under EACH section of the form.
3. If your opinion is that the research article does not address or infer an answer to a particular
section, then you must so state and JUSTIFY your statement. DO NOT LEAVE ANY SECTION BLANK.Individual Assignment
Analysis of Qualitative Nursing Research Study
from the dropdown menu, then attach your file. Make sure to save a copy of the Assignment you submit. Please be sure to confirm that your file uploaded correctly.MN504 QUALITATIVE CRITIQUEPlease use the below Qualitative Critique Completion Form to complete your critique of quantitative research. Type in your responses under EACH section. If your opinion is that the research article does not address or infer an answer to a particular section, then you must so state and JUSTIFY your statement.
• Do not leave any section blank!
• Do not provide a “yes†or “no†answer without an explanation. You must justify all your responses.
• ALL responses must be written in YOUR OWN WORDS. Do NOT use quotes.
• You must submit the full article in PDF form. Critiques submitted without the PDF will not be accepted.
• Save your file as YourName_QualitativeCritique.doc and upload to the unit Dropbox.PROBLEM
What is the problem the study was conducted to address?Why is the problem an important one for nursing to study?STUDY PURPOSE
What is the purpose of the study?RESEARCH QUESTIONS
What are the research question(s)?Are the questions stated broadly enough for a qualitative study? Explain WHY.STUDY DESIGN
What specific qualitative method is used?Provide a clear description of the qualitative method utilized (utilize your text or another source to do this – provide citation)In what way is the method used an appropriate one for this study? Clearly justify your answer.PHILOSOPHICAL/THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK BASIS FOR THE STUDY (DETERMINE FROM LITERATURE – THIS DOES NOT REFER TO THE METHODOLOGY.)
Identify the philosophical/theoretical basis of the study.Describe/discuss the references cited to support the philosophical or theoretical approach used.Is the philosophical or theoretical basis of the study clearly linked with the study assumptions, data collection procedures and analytical and interpretative approach. How? If not, describe what is missing.How is the framework related to the body of knowledge in nursing?REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE
Are the articles relevant with previous studies and theories described? Justify your response.Are the references current? What are the number of sources within past 10 years? What are the number of sources within past five years?Describe the current knowledge about the research problem.Specify the gap in the literature that justifies the need for the research.SUBJECTS AND SETTING
Describe the subjects and the setting.In what way is the method of obtaining subjects appropriate? Justify your answer.In what way is the size of the sample used adequate? Justify your answer.In what way was the setting in which data were collected an appropriate one for this study? Why? Justify your answer.Indicate the type of consent obtained and institutional review board approval.In what way were the steps taken to protect the rights of subjects adequate?DATA COLLECTION PROCEDURE AND APPROPRIATENESS OF DATA ANALYSIS METHODS
Identify the data collection procedures used and provide a description of how the data was collected.In what way were the data collection procedures used consistent with the purpose of the qualitative approach selected? Clearly justify your answer.Define data saturation.What evidence is there that data saturation was achieved? Describe fully.SPECIFIC DATA ANALYSIS PROCEDURES USED
Identify the qualitative data analysis procedures used to examine the dataDefine the qualitative data analysis procedures used.In what way(s) are the data analysis procedures appropriate for the data collected? Clearly justify your answer.In what way(s) are the data analysis procedures consistent with the qualitative method used? Clearly justify your answer.EVIDENCE OF AUDITABILITY/DECISION TRAIL/MEMBER CHECKS
Define decision trail.Was a decision trail developed? Was it reported in sufficient detail? Clearly justify your answer.SPECIFIC RESULTS OBTAINED
In YOUR OWN WORDS, what are the outcomes of the study? What did the study reveal? Provide a DETAILED response of at least ONE FULL PARAGRAPH as this is worth 8 points!STRENGTHS AND LIMITATIONS
What are two major strengths of the scientific merit of this study? (This does NOT refer to outcomes of the study). Address credibility and confirmability.What are two major limitations of the scientific merit of this study?To what extent are the study findings valid? Justify your answer.IMPLICATIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS
How did the researcher generalize the findings? Where in nursing can the results be applied?What did the researchers say the relevance of the data was? Describe the researchers’ interpretation of the findings.What suggestions for further study were identified?Is the description of the study sufficiently clear for replication? Why or why not?REFLECTION
Reflect on your newly developed understanding of QUALITATIVE research. What has this experience meant to you? How will this make a difference in your practice of nursing? This is a personal reflection and should have some depth (at least two full paragraphs). Please respond in reference to understanding qualitative methodology and not the specific focus of the research study.
What has the experience of reading and critiquing a qualitative study meant to you? How will understanding and using qualitative research findings make a difference in your practice of nursing?How will understanding and using qualitative research findings make a difference in your practice of nursing?