How we can help educate people on the preventative care regarding tuberculosis and help those who may already have TB?
– A personal definition for what Tuberculosis is. Make sure you cite/mention the sources you used to come up with you definition. Also include some facts on who may be affected most and some background information that most people may not know.
– The program you want to create that is combatting or helping spread awareness about Tuberculosis. Make sure to include the location of where you plan to focus or set your program in (i.e. Africa, United States, etc…), any specific population that is effected (whether it be focused on age or race), and the most important how you plan to get to the people. Ask yourself the question, how we can help educate people on the preventative care regarding tuberculosis and help those who may already have TB? Also keep in mind how these people will be able to keep things going from the program once your visit is over and you return to the United States, if you plan to host program in another country.}
– Please do it completely ans perfectly, also you can use as much cites as it is needed.
– Ask me if you have any question