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How does Sorrel King’s vulnerability impact you? Do you see her vulnerability as a weakness or strength? – Geek Term Papers

How does Sorrel King’s vulnerability impact you? Do you see her vulnerability as a weakness or strength?

How does Sorrel King’s vulnerability impact you? Do you see her vulnerability as a weakness or strength?

The Josie King Story Review

Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlHLDTng30E and answer the following questions

1. How does Sorrel King’s vulnerability impact you? Do you see her vulnerability as a weakness or strength?

2. How did Josie King’s vulnerability display itself?

3. What principle/s of nursing care were overlooked in this case?

4. Using one of the Nursing Theories studied in this module; describe how implementation of its principles might have played a role in preventing this tragedy (please include the elements of the theory in your description).

5. A. How do you see the nurses’ role as an advocate in this situation? How might you, as an advocate, make changes to your practice and in the practice area in which you work to help to mitigate this type of tragedy? ( Or) B. How does your practice area and your practice already mitigate this type of medical error? (chose to answer either A or B as applicable).