Discussion of the importance of the guiding priniciples of self-management, empowerment and advocacy in the collaborative management of the patient and her family.

Discussion of the importance of the guiding priniciples of self-management, empowerment and advocacy in the collaborative management of the patient and her family.


Nursing care plan.

Emily is eight years old and lives with her mother, step-father and seven month old brother. She has just been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease after experiencing frequent bouts of abdominal pain, diarrhoea and weight loss over the past six months. She also has a history of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus which was diagnosed when she was six years old. Emily is currently prescribed subcutaneous glargine and actrapid for her Diabetes and has just been commenced on corticosteriod and antibiotic therapy for her Crohn’s disease.Emily was admitted to hospital 5 days ago for further management of her Chron’s disease which has not been responding to therapy. Emily has been experiencing ongoing abdominal pain, diarrhoea and vomiting and has continued to loose weight. Whilst in hospital Emily has been receiving sliding scale insulin titrated to her BGLs, IV hydrocortisone and overnight enteral feeds via a nasogastric tube. Emily has been upset several times during her admission as her mother has been unable to stay with her at night. Her step-father has works permanent night duty and her mother has been unable to find someone to care for Emily’s brother. Emily is due for discharge tomorrow, prior her discharge her NGT and IVC will be removed
This part of the assessment task requires you to develop a nursing care plan for the patient in the provided case study. In order to do this, you will need to consider the role of the interdisciplinary team and registered nurse in the mangement of this patient.

In addition to a brief introduction and conclusion, Part B of your report should include:

A discussion of the importance of the guiding priniciples of self-management, empowerment and advocacy in the collaborative management of the patient and her family.
A discussion of the role of the registered nurse in the management of this patient and her family and an analysis of the ways in which the registered nurse could collaborate with other members of the interdisciplinary team to co-ordinate the provision of comprehesive nursing care to the patient and his/her family.
A nursing care plan that contains five (5) nursing interventions that would be appropriate for the patient at this stage of her presentation. This should be completed using the template provided in the additional upload
Each intervention must be supported by a rationale that explains at least one or all of the following: how it will address the underlying pathophysiology, how it is keeping with the guiding principles discussed in your report and/or how it is consistent with current best practice.