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Discuss diet and healthy lifestyle that is more specific to their individual circumstance. – Geek Term Papers

Discuss diet and healthy lifestyle that is more specific to their individual circumstance.

Discuss diet and healthy lifestyle that is more specific to their individual circumstance.
Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements

Assessment Aim
The aim of this assessment piece is to provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate application of knowledge and skills in the provision of written, client-specific optimal nutrition status and physical activity advice at an individual level in the context of nursing/ midwifery practice.
Word Count 2500 words
You must include a word count (including in-text referencing but excluding the reference list or any Appendices) at the end of your assignment. Word count more than 10% below or above that prescribed will be penalised by 10% deduction from the total available marks.

Task Description
Following the education session (assessment task 2) an audience member approaches you to discuss diet and healthy lifestyle that is more specific to their individual circumstance. Continue using your assigned scenario from assessment task 2. Refer to the following page for more information relating to your scenario that has been obtained from the audience member. Prepare a written response to the subheadings and dot points listed below.
• Include an accurate statement of the topic that highlights the significance of the health issue identified in the scenario; and provide an accurate overview of the content of your written response.
Anthropometric measurements:
• Identify and critically discuss the anthropometric measurements used for assessment of body composition.
• Identify evidence-based lifestyle recommendations as they relate to your scenario. Care Plan (person centered approach)
• Provide detailed, evidence-based recommendations for both optimal nutrition modification and physical activity. Recommendations should be specifically tailored, practical and sustainable in the long term.
• Discuss the role of a nurse in promoting optimal health outcomes as it pertains to your allocated scenario. Describe strategies that the nurse/midwife could use to support and promote client self- management of the identified nutritional and physical activity recommendations. When describing relevant self-management strategies, the identification of barriers and solutions and input from a multidisciplinary team (MDT) referral system should be considered.