Different theories in nursing and each theory highlights its position

Different theories in nursing and each theory highlights its position

1. (Answer question, 200 words, citation and references required)
Re: Week 4 First Message #1
Compare and contrast the conceptual approach of selected nursing theorists—must include Jean Watson.

2. (Answer question, 200 words, citation and references required)
Re: Week 4 First Message #2
What contributions has nursing research made to nursing practice and health care?

3. (Answer post, 100 words, citation and references required)
(Someone’s post)
There are different theories in nursing and each theory highlights its position. As it stated by Blais and Hayes (2011), “Different theories represent different worldviews, which are different ways of conceiving of knowledge” (p. 97). Here are some contrasts and conceptual approaches of Jean Watson and Patricia Benner theories.
Nurses can gain their knowledge through experience without theory studying aspect. Job experience is foundation for becoming an expert. “Benner’s work focuses on developing understanding of perceptual acuity, clinical judgment, skilled know-how, ethical comportment, and ongoing experimental learning” (Alligood, 2010, p.141). There is novice to expert steps to go through. Benner believes that “skilled pattern recognition can be taught and will lead to advancement through the stages” (Altmann, 2007, p.115). Benner’s mainly concentrates on nurses not on the patient.
Over the past years nursing as a science has grown more towards human caring in the medical field. It means that modern nursing should be more humans bound. Human caring is a “normative ethical theory” or in other words a theory about what makes human actions “morally right or wrong” as points out Nel Noddings a renowned American ethicist, feminist, educationalist, and philosopher (Crowley, 1994, p. 75). Theorist Jean Watson continued and developed this idea and declares that “caring in nursing practice” is one of the “basic ethic and psychology’s concepts” as well (Watson, 2012, p. 42). The major concepts of Watson’s theory are love and caring, respect for person needs and wishes, as well as dignity, professionalism and problem solving. These theories represent different concepts and have the rights to take place.

4. (Answer post, 100 words, citation and references required)
(Someone’s post)
Nursing research utilizes its findings into practice, which helps to apply new methods and medical treatments to patients, and, as a result increase patient care effectiveness. The main of the nursing research is to enhance patient’s satisfaction and health. Lately we are using term evidence-based research. As it stated by Blais and Hayes (2011) “It brings together theory, clinical decision-making and judgment, and knowledge of the research process; incorporating them into the evaluation of research and scientific evidence” (p. 183). It is important to have diligent sources of research, which would give an “Opportunities for providing high-quality care with accountability to clients and families are presented when practice decisions are based on scientific evidence and data” as it mentioned by Blais and Hayes (2011, p. 184). Nursing research helps to identify an issue and “Represents a systematic search for the knowledge needed to provide high-quality care” as it stated by Blais and Hayes (2011, p. 184). Research-based practice is extremely important when it comes to an appropriate care and patients feedback. Nurses and clinicians are directly involved in research process. As it stated by Blais and Hayes (2011) “Nurses in clinical practice identify the problems in need of investigation and collaborate with nurse-researchers, who design studies to address the problems identified and collect and analyze the data” (p. 186).

5. (Answer post, 100 words, citation and references required)
(Someone’s post)
Explain the relationship between nursing theory and professional nursing practice.

6. (Answer post, 100 words, citation and references required)
(Someone’s post)
Describe the relationship between nursing research and evidence-based practice.

7. (Answer post, 100 words, citation and references required)
(Someone’s post)
Describe the nurse’s role in research.

8. (Answer post, 100 words, citation and references required)
(Someone’s post)
Compare and contrast principles of inductive and deductive reasoning.