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Develop a health promotion/disease prevention campaign that includes learning objectives, teaching methods, delivery approaches to the target population, as well as an evaluation plan. – Geek Term Papers

Develop a health promotion/disease prevention campaign that includes learning objectives, teaching methods, delivery approaches to the target population, as well as an evaluation plan.

Develop a health promotion/disease prevention campaign that includes learning objectives, teaching methods, delivery approaches to the target population, as well as an evaluation plan.


Population Clinical Prevention Project

Purpose: This project is designed to help you develop skills in designing a health promotion/disease prevention campaign that addresses a specific health disparity of your choice and is culturally and linguistically appropriate for the target population. This project will also help further develop your health informatics skills, project management skills, and interprofessional collaboration.

Identify a health disparity issue and target population related to health inequalities and providing supporting epidemiological evidence showing the scope of the problem and the need for clinical prevention. Develop a health promotion/disease prevention campaign that includes learning objectives, teaching methods, delivery approaches to the target population, as well as an evaluation plan. Develop a specific health education product (e.g. PSA video, poster, pamphlet, brochure) that is culturally and linguistically appropriate for the target audience.

1. Select a health risk or health promotion topic and target population for your project. It must be a public health issue for which health education and creating educational awareness for prevention would be an appropriate intervention. Look at the Healthy People 2020 topic areas for ideas. A list of ideas is provided in Module 1.
2. Submit your topic/population for your instructor’s approval by January 31st. Be sure to provide a brief explanation on how the topic and population addresses a health disparity.
3. Develop a health education campaign to address your chosen problem. A worksheet that you might find healthful in this process is attached. Be sure your project description includes intended outcome, learning objectives, teaching methods, delivery approach, and evaluation plan.
4. Create a specific health risk message for your problem. Your health risk message should convey the threat, desired response and a slogan or “tag-line”. It should have appropriate visual appeal that is culturally and linguistically appropriate for the target audience. Provide evidence to demonstrate why it meets this criteria.
5. Create a venue for delivering your message (i.e. PSA video, poster, pamphlet, brochure, etc.). Be sure to explain why you chose this method and why this is appropriate for your population group.
6. Include interdisciplinary collaboration into the development of your health promotion plan. It must include at least two potential community partners and at least two other disciplines (i.e. communications, marketing, pharmacy, dietician, social, early childhood development specialist, exercise physiologist, etc.) as appropriate for your topic.(Provide rationale).
7. In addition to completing the health education product, a companion paper and reference list will be submitted as well. The companion paper should describe the health issue you are addressing, the population you chose to work with, why and how this issue is related to health inequities and Healthy People 2020 objectives. Include supporting epidemiological evidence to demonstrate the scope of the problem in the specified population and relevant supporting literature. Describe the principles and rationale behind your particular clinical prevention message. What framework did you use to design your health education plan? Specifically describe how your education plan and health risk message reflects evidence-based nursing, interdisciplinary collaboration, and cultural and linguistic appropriateness. Your education plan should include the intended outcome, learning objectives, teaching methods, delivery approach and an evaluation plan. This paper should be no more than 7-10 pages in length (excluding title and reference page). Your companion paper should be in APA format, double-spaced with one-inch margins, and size 12-font. Your paper should have an introduction, conclusion, headings and subheads, a title page, page numbers, running header, and a reference page.

? Here is what you need to turn in: