Describe how social determinants of health influence the burden of disease in global health.

Describe how social determinants of health influence the burden of disease in global health.

Global health

Discussion Board 1 Items. You are required to answer all components of each question.
1. Review the webcast, Global Health 101, from the following web site. a.

Describe how social determinants of health influence the burden of disease in global health. b. Summarize two future trends as

describe in the video.
2. Review the eight Millennium development goals (MDG) on the following website .
a. Describe the purpose of the Millennium Development Goals.
b. Describe two findings related to one MDG as reported on the Website..
3. Review the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) on the following website

a. Conduct a literature search on Sustainable Development Goals. Provide a summary on how the Sustainable Development Goals were

developed. Include in your discussion the purpose of the goals, key players, timeframe for implementation and evaluation.
b. Identify one SDG from the website. Click on the icon. Summarize two facts and two targets related to the identified SDG.
4. Summarize findings from one global current event reported in the news, within the last six months, that relate to methods of

healthcare access and/ or delivery in any of the following countries: United Kingdom, Sweden, Israel, Mexico, China, South Africa,

India, Somoa, Saudia Arabia, Ukraine, Japan, or Canada. (Sources of information can include, news websites, newspapers, new

s journals, news programs, news blog etc).
Winston-Salem State University – Division of Nursing
Online Discussion Board Rubric
Please note a minimum of 5 points will be deducted from the discussion board grade for posts that violate course policies or the Code

of Student Conduct. This includes inappropriate pictures and comments.
Category Exemplary Competent Marginal Unacceptable Total
2 – 1 0
Initial Post Timeliness-2 Submits complete initial post by the initial posting deadline. Submits “dummy” post or

incomplete initial postto gain access to the discussion forum before a completed initial post is submitted (if applicable). Post

submitted after the deadline.
6 4 2 0
Quality of Initial Posting-6 Considers alternate perspectives or connections between ideas. Postings appropriately integrate

outside resource(s), or relevant research, to support important points.
Well-edited quotes are cited appropriately. No more than 10% of initial posting is verbatim or direct quotations.
Scholarly in-text citation(s) and associated reference(s) per discussion board item.
Posting(s) repeat and summarize basic, correct information, link readings to outside references, relevant research BUT do not

consider alternative perspectives or connections between ideas.
Greater than 15% of the initial posting is verbatim or direct quotations from any source (with or without appropriate citations).
Initial posting(s) repeat and summarize basic, correct information, but do not link readings to outside references, relevant

research and do not consider alternative perspectives or connections between ideas. Unless solicited, posting(s) contain several

personal opinions or feelings without supporting sources.
Omission of more than one scholarly in-text citation(s) and associated reference(s) per discussion board item.
Initial posting(s)show little or no evidence that reading and/or activities were completed or understood. Unless solicited,

postings are primarily personal opinions or feelings, or without supporting statements from the readings, outside resources, relevant

research, or specific real-life application.