How many IU of vitamin D did Andy consume yesterday?

Andy 52 was very surprised when his doctor told him that his blood levels of vitamin D were below normal.

After all he plays tennis or rides a bike on most days. However he forgot that the time for vitamin D synthesis from sun exposure is only from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM for most locations in the United States and he does most of his activities after work. Because his sun exposure is not adequate he has to rely more on diet and supplements for his vitamin D needs. Andys doctor asked him to consume 600 IU of vitamin D daily. He is supposed to track his vitamin D intake from foods and take a supplement if he does not meet his daily goal. It sounded easy but he was up for a surprise. Some foods had the amounts of vitamin D listed in micrograms others in IU. Most supplements have the amounts of vitamin D listed in IU.

Below is Andys vitamin D intake from the food he consumed yesterday.

Low-fat Yoplait yogurt 2 g

Cheerios cereal 1 g

Coffee with milk 0.7 g

Turkey sandwich on whole-wheat bread with large garden salad 0.4 g

Grilled pork chop 8 oz with mashed potato and a side of grilled mixed vegetables 1.6 g

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Part A

Vitamin D from Foods

How many IU of vitamin D did Andy consume yesterday? During calculations round numbers to the second decimal place. Round your final answer to the nearest whole number.

List vitamin D intake in International Units (IU).

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Part B

RDA for Vitamin D

Has Andy met his vitamin D RDA?

Does he need a supplement?

Yes he met his RDA and does not need a supplement. No his vitamin D intake was below RDA and he needs a supplement.



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Nursing term papers

Part C

Vitamin D from Foods and Supplements

What percentage of the vitamin D RDA did Andy eat from food? During calculations round numbers to the second decimal place. Round your final answer to the nearest whole number.

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Part D

Vitamin D from Fatty Fish

If Andy decides to change his 8 oz pork chop to 6 oz fillet of salmon what would be his vitamin D dietary intake in IU? 6 oz of baked salmon contains 23 of vitamin D. During calculations round numbers to the second decimal place. Round your final answer to the nearest whole number. List vitamin D intake in International Units (IU). Show less