Analyze the relationship between theory, practice, and research.
1. Analyze the relationship between theory, practice, and research.
2. Explore the use of evidence in nursing practice
Directions: Choose a nursing theory and evaluate it according to the method as outlined below. Construct your PowerPoint sides using the following slide headings.
• Title slide
• Theory description
• Theory analysis
• Theory diagram
• Theory evaluation
• Select references
Theory Description
• What is the purpose of the theory? (describe, explain, predict, prescribe)
• What is the scope or level of the theory? (grand, middle range, practice)
• What are the major concepts?
• Is the context for use described?
Theory Analysis
• Are the concepts theoretically and operationally defined?
• Is the theory logically organized?
• Is there a model/diagram? Does the model contribute to clarifying the theory?
Theory Evaluation
• Is the theory congruent with current nursing standards?
• Is the theory congruent with current nursing interventions or therapeutics?
• Has the theory been tested empirically? Is it supported by research? Does it appear to be accurate/valid?
• Is the theory socially relevant?
• Is the theory relevant cross-culturally?
• Does the theory contribute to the discipline of nursing?
• What are implications for nursing practice?
Record the audio narration on your slides and save the timing of the slides so that they automatically progress. Limit the number of slides to 12 with a total presentation time of 12 minutes.
Construct your PowerPoint slides, using Microsoft PowerPoint software, according to this outline Record the audio and upload a copy of the presentation with narration and submit to the course assignment drop box. The slide presentation must be limited to 12 slides and not exceed 12 minutes. After you have recorded the audio, review your presentation to be certain the audio is optimal quality. No exceptions for poor quality audio may be attributed to technological deficits. In according toCollege of Nursing/HPD your PPT presentations can be submitted for the annual HPD Research Day. You will be required to organize slides for a Post Board Presentation. Further discussion will be generated throughout the course.
The presentation content must be an evaluation of a nursing theory, not the report of a research project that used the theory as the theoretical framework. Two points per slide will be deducted from the final grade for each slide over the 12 slide limit and/or each minute exceeding the 12 minute limit.
Note: The quality and clarity of each PowerPoint slide is important. Keep the wording on the slide clear and concise. Do not fill the slide with paragraphs. Use bulleted points and limit graphics. Narration instructions can be found through many sources on the internet such as
This assignment is due according to the date posted on the Activities and Assignments Schedule. Assignments turned in late without previous approval or notification will receive a 10-point deduction for every day the assignment is late. See rubric for the assignment.